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664040, Irkutsk, post office box 129, st. Rosa Luxemburg, no. 184
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+7(3952)257-772 (вн.652) +794-00-911-000

The distributors are flat-rotating with a regulator and a step-down valve 70МПа

Key characteristics:
Рабочая жидкость: Минеральные масла марок ВМГЗ, МГЕ-10, МГЕ-46В
Диапазон температуры жидкости: -30 ... +80°C
Диапазон температуры окружающей среды: -40 ... +50 °C
Диапазон вязкости: 5 - 400 сСт
Рекомендуемая вязкость: 25 сСт
Порты подключения: 3/8”-18NPTF (A, B, P, T)
Условный проход: Ду 6
Фильтрация (рекомендуется): Класс 17/15/12 согласно ГОСТ 17216-2001
Материал / покрытие: Корпус: высокопрочный алюминиевый сплав с черным анодным покрытием. Рукоятка: ударопрочный технополимер на основе полиамида, армированный стекловолокном.
Development according to your specifications
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На содержание данной публикации распространяется авторское право АО «ТД «ЭНЕРПРЕД», и его нельзя воспроизводить (даже частично) без соответствующего разрешения. АО ТД «ЭНЕРПРЕД» оставляет за собой право вносить любые изменения в конструкцию и характеристики инструмента, предлагаемого в данном каталоге, без предварительного оповещения. Характеристики инструмента, включая массу, размеры и другие показатели, могут иметь незначительные отклонения.

Model Type of scheme Name Max. pressure in lines P and Abar Max. pressure in lines Bbar Max. line pressure Tbar Expenditurel/min Connecting thread
GRP70-6-42R-1KR 4/2R The distributor is a plane-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 2-position, with unloaded cavities A and B in the neutral and a locked cavity P 700 350 70 10 K3/8
GRP70-6-43D-1KR 4/2D (44) The distributor is flat-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with a locked neutral 700 350 70 10 K3/8
GRP70-6-43P-1KR 4/2П (64) The distributor is a plane-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with locked cavities A and B in the neutral and unloaded cavities P and T 700 350 70 10 K3/8
GR P 70-6-43E-1KR 4/2E (34) The distributor is a plane-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with unloaded cavities A and B in the neutral and a locked cavity P 700 350 70 10 K3/8
GRP70-6-43X-1KR 4/2X (14) The distributor is flat-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with unloaded neutral 700 350 70 10 K3/8
Type of scheme Name Max. pressure in lines P and Abar Max. pressure in lines Bbar
4/2R The distributor is a plane-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 2-position, with unloaded cavities A and B in the neutral and a locked cavity P 700 350
4/2D (44) The distributor is flat-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with a locked neutral 700 350
4/2П (64) The distributor is a plane-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with locked cavities A and B in the neutral and unloaded cavities P and T 700 350
4/2E (34) The distributor is a plane-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with unloaded cavities A and B in the neutral and a locked cavity P 700 350
4/2X (14) The distributor is flat-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with unloaded neutral 700 350
Max. line pressure Tbar Expenditurel/min Connecting thread
70 10 K3/8
70 10 K3/8
70 10 K3/8
70 10 K3/8
70 10 K3/8
Type of scheme
Max. pressure in lines P and Abar
Max. pressure in lines Bbar
Max. line pressure Tbar
Connecting thread
GRP70-6-42R-1KR Type of scheme Name Max. pressure in lines P and Abar Max. pressure in lines Bbar Max. line pressure Tbar Expenditurel/min Connecting thread
4/2R The distributor is a plane-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 2-position, with unloaded cavities A and B in the neutral and a locked cavity P 700 350 70 10 K3/8
GRP70-6-43D-1KR Type of scheme Name Max. pressure in lines P and Abar Max. pressure in lines Bbar Max. line pressure Tbar Expenditurel/min Connecting thread
4/2D (44) The distributor is flat-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with a locked neutral 700 350 70 10 K3/8
GRP70-6-43P-1KR Type of scheme Name Max. pressure in lines P and Abar Max. pressure in lines Bbar Max. line pressure Tbar Expenditurel/min Connecting thread
4/2П (64) The distributor is a plane-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with locked cavities A and B in the neutral and unloaded cavities P and T 700 350 70 10 K3/8
GR P 70-6-43E-1KR Type of scheme Name Max. pressure in lines P and Abar Max. pressure in lines Bbar Max. line pressure Tbar Expenditurel/min Connecting thread
4/2E (34) The distributor is a plane-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with unloaded cavities A and B in the neutral and a locked cavity P 700 350 70 10 K3/8
GRP70-6-43X-1KR Type of scheme Name Max. pressure in lines P and Abar Max. pressure in lines Bbar Max. line pressure Tbar Expenditurel/min Connecting thread
4/2X (14) The distributor is flat-rotating hydraulic, 4 linear 3-position, with unloaded neutral 700 350 70 10 K3/8
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Сontact details
  • Distributors are used to control hydraulic flow.
  • Distributor functions: working stroke, holding/unloading and return stroke.
  • Used for hydraulic cylinders/double-acting tools.
  • The RPC control and safety valve in the pressure line "P" allows the operator to easily set the required operating pressure from 10 to 70 MPa and protects against exceeding the operating pressure in the hydraulic system.
  • The KP step-down valve in the return line "B", to limit the working pressure to 35 MPa, is necessary to limit the pressure supplied to the return cavity of hydraulic cylinders/tools.
  • Manual control of the distributor is carried out using a convenient handle.
  • Distributors of this series are designed for installation at pumping stations.
  • It is possible to install a pressure gauge to monitor the pressure in the hydraulic system.

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Rosa Luxemburg street, 184,post office box 129
Irkutsk, 664040, Russia


+7 (3952) 211-140


+7 (3952) 555-159

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