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Universal pullers and hydraulic bearing pullers

Key characteristics:
Серия: СГХ...
Усилие: от 11 до 35 тс
Внешний диаметр захвата: от 35 до 420 мм
Development according to your specifications
Important information

The content of this publication is subject to copyright of JSC TD ENERPRED and cannot be reproduced (even in part) without appropriate permission. JSC TD "ENERPRED" reserves the right to make any changes to the design and characteristics of the tool offered in this catalog without prior notice. Instrument specifications, including weight, dimensions and other parameters, may vary slightly.

Model Capacity t Presure bar Reach h mm Inner diameter mm Spread mm Spread mm Dimensionsmm Weight kg
Bearing pullers
SGH10 11,3 - 176, 376 - - 35...280 205×391×684 20
SGH35 35,8 - 30, 280, 530 - - 80...420 340×664×1025 90
Universal pullers
SGU15 (Schemes I) 5 22 212 75...230 75...230 - 166×350×900 36
SGU15 (Schemes II) 15,7 70 30-300 - 70...260 - 205×360×805 36
Bearing pullers
Universal pullers
SGU15 (Schemes I)
SGU15 (Schemes II)
Capacity t Presure bar Reach h mm Inner diameter mm
11,3 - 176, 376 -
35,8 - 30, 280, 530 -
5 22 212 75...230
15,7 70 30-300 -
Spread mm Spread mm Dimensionsmm Weight kg
- 35...280 205×391×684 20
- 80...420 340×664×1025 90
75...230 - 166×350×900 36
70...260 - 205×360×805 36
Capacity t
Presure bar
Reach h mm
Inner diameter mm
Spread mm
Spread mm
Weight kg
SGH10 Capacity t Presure bar Reach h mm Inner diameter mm Spread mm Spread mm Dimensionsmm Weight kg
11,3 - 176, 376 - - 35...280 205×391×684 20
SGH35 Capacity t Presure bar Reach h mm Inner diameter mm Spread mm Spread mm Dimensionsmm Weight kg
35,8 - 30, 280, 530 - - 80...420 340×664×1025 90
SGU15 (Schemes I) Capacity t Presure bar Reach h mm Inner diameter mm Spread mm Spread mm Dimensionsmm Weight kg
5 22 212 75...230 75...230 - 166×350×900 36
SGU15 (Schemes II) Capacity t Presure bar Reach h mm Inner diameter mm Spread mm Spread mm Dimensionsmm Weight kg
15,7 70 30-300 - 70...260 - 205×360×805 36
Specify the appropriate parameters
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Сontact details

The universal hydraulic puller has the capabilities of a clamp-puller and a puller with an external / internal grip. The design of the collar puller provides a secure grip when the shape of the part does not allow the use of a conventional puller.

The Hydraulic Universal Bearing and Pulley Puller replaces your standard tools - because it guarantees damage-free removal of parts with an interference fit, which is difficult to achieve with conventional tools.

Dismantling work is often carried out in rooms with limited space. This versatile modern pulley and bearing removal tool is ideal for these conditions.

Advantages of a hydraulic puller:

Made from durable material

The design of the tool ensures reliable gripping of the workpiece even with complex configurations

Minimal risk of damage to the part

Easy tool setting for different shaft lengths and part sizes

The jack supplied with the tool can be used independently

With a versatile tool, you can significantly reduce production costs. Parts that would have been damaged during normal dismantling remain intact and usable when using this tool to remove bearings.

You can order a model with your parameters, if a suitable one is not in our catalog.

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