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Motor pulley puller

Key characteristics:
Усилие: 22,2 тс
Ход штока: 360 мм
Модель станка-качалки: СК-6, СК-8
Внешний диаметр D: 296 мм
Max глубина захвата: 295 мм
Рабочий объем масла: 1122 см3
Габариты: 220x296x907 мм
Масса: 45,3 кг
Рекомендуемый насос: НРГ-7020
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Important information

The content of this publication is subject to copyright of JSC TD ENERPRED and cannot be reproduced (even in part) without appropriate permission. JSC TD "ENERPRED" reserves the right to make any changes to the design and characteristics of the tool offered in this catalog without prior notice. Instrument specifications, including weight, dimensions and other parameters, may vary slightly.

Model Capacity t Stroke mm Model of the pumping unit Outside diameter D mm Max depth of capture mm Working oil capacity sm3 Dimensionsmm Weight kg
SG322-SH68 22,2 360 SK-6, SK-8 296 295 1122 220×296×907 45,3
Capacity t Stroke mm Model of the pumping unit Outside diameter D mm
22,2 360 SK-6, SK-8 296
Max depth of capture mm Working oil capacity sm3 Dimensionsmm Weight kg
295 1122 220×296×907 45,3
Capacity t
Stroke mm
Model of the pumping unit
Outside diameter D mm
Max depth of capture mm
Working oil capacity sm3
Weight kg
SG322-SH68 Capacity t Stroke mm Model of the pumping unit Outside diameter D mm Max depth of capture mm Working oil capacity sm3 Dimensionsmm Weight kg
22,2 360 SK-6, SK-8 296 295 1122 220×296×907 45,3
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Designed to remove engine pulley of the rocker-machine models SK-6 and SK-8 with a capacity of up to 22.2 tons. Fixed position of the pickup device over the entire removal range.

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